Thursday 14 July 2016

Health Benefits of Rose Tea

Health Benefits of Rose Tea

The healing and smoothing powers of rose petals is very well known from the years
and now a days they are usually used to make a therapeutic essential oils as well as it
is being enjoyed as a nutritious tea. Rose tea is usually fragrant, fruity and rich in
vitamin C and antioxidants which makes it the ideal and beneficial drink when your

body require boosting. There are many health benefits of rose tea which will give
show the beneficial results to the all age groups.
Rose tea is very beneficial to your body in certain ways, it is also effective for skin, can
help you relax and it is free in calories and also beneficial in weight loss
plan. Moreover it is rich in vitamin C content. Also this tea contains of excessive
amount of poly phenols along with various other antioxidants like quercetin and ellagic
acid. Rose tea can be used for multi-purposes. In this presentation we will show you the various health benefits of rose tea.
Now here the question rises that what are the health benefits of rose tea? Rose has certain medicinal properties. It has generally been used in Ayurveda for a long time. It is a fact that 1 cup of warm and fresh rose tea is similar to the same level
of vitamin C as found in almost in 60 oranges. Here are the top of the health

Benefits of rose tea as follows:

1. Rose tea for boosting the immune system:

Because of presence of the vitamin C in rose tea will act as a natural booster for

your immunity system. A strong immune system will keep you to stay healthier
and will keep you bay from cold and flu’s.

2. Roseteaasa natural stress buster:

Drink rose petals tea in order to reduce your stress levels after a long day. It is having a
positive impact on balancing the stress and emotional hormones by calming down your
nervous system. The properties i.e. anti-depressant and tranquilizing enables it to be used
as a sleep inducing drink too.

3. Rose tea for Chest problem:

Persons who experiences chest problem, can go for rose tea on regular basis for
improved health benefits against the various chest related diseases. Moreover rose tea is
good in preventing from the certain infections that are directly linked with chest problems.

4. Rose tea for weight loss:

Rose tea is very helpful and effective for weight reduction. You can use Rose tea for weight

loss treatment. Make a drink by adding rose petals it to a cup of boiling water. Strain and
intake it twice a day as your in-between the snacks in order to lose weight. A zero calorie

drink will help you to calming down your hunger pangs. Once the cravings are under the
control, you can easily lose your weight in an easier way.

5. Rose tea for urinary tract:

Persons who suffers from the painful urinary tract infections can go for rose tea which is
beneficial in bringing the infection under control and beneficial in reducing your
painful symptoms. Rose tea will act as a natural diuretic which is good in promoting
both the quantity and frequency of urination. The rose tea is usually rich in antioxidant
and antibacterial properties which make it very effective for treating mild infections of
the urinary tract.

How to prepare?
firstly wash the petals in clean water and dry them by patting with a clean towel.
Then take a half cup of water to boil in a saucepan.

Now add rose petals to the boiling water then after a few seconds turn off the burner and
allow it to simmer for between 5 and 10 minutes till the petals does not turned dark.

Strain out the petals and fill a cup with your finished tea.


If want to make more delicious one can add spices or honey to taste.


We make videos of selected useful heath related articles from the different sources the only Purpose are to help humanity to overcome health related problems. We don’t claim that you will get recovery after following the video description if you having a serious health issues please consult with the specialist doctor. For other video related inquiry please feel free to contact.


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